Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The gripe

Tuesday 26th July 2011

Today is Por Por day so Boo went there for the day. I now take it as a time out day so that hopefully, it gives me more patience and I wouldn't get angry with her so quickly! :P

So, I had lunch with Bab and the husband at the club and came home. Bab went to sleep and I had time alone for about 2 hrs. A nice break! :) Bab woke at abt 4.30 so we got ready and went to mom's place. Had dinner there and then came home. At least they got to see Bab for a bit.

If you're wondering why I'm dropping by late since I'm not working, well,... I had a quarrel with my mom sometime back and angry words were passed. I'm of the opinion that my mom lives in a box. She has no inkling of how the world works sometimes and it infuriates me mostly because I try to explain certain things but she has other opinions which to me doesn't sound logical. Tempers might flare again so,.. For now,.. I keep my distance.

Also, my maid,.. whom I used to take as the mediator, gets along with mom. They could gossip for hours! I suppose, this might have happened last week coz the said maid came back and cited bits of conversations that had happened while I wasn't there. It was abt me,.. So clearly now,... I'm of a different opinion abt my maid as well. I'm not sure if she's mediator,... Or just glad to have someone to gossip with. Either way,.. I'm now wary of her. Plus she's been moody the last few days so I'm not sure if there's something she's unhappy abt. Either way, she's the maid here and as it is, I already give her a good life and most recently,... My old iPhone! She ought to be more grateful and quit acting all emo... Bah!!!

Clothes tracking : I hung all washed laundry out to dry. Let's see when I see them in my wardrobe! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Resurecting this blog once more

I seem to be doing this all the time!!! Starting a blog then forgetting abt it then redirecting it again,... Then forgetting abt it again,.... U get the picture!!!

Anyway,... I found this app on my iPhone which allows me to blog on mobile!!! Wonderful!!! Perhaps I'll blog more often again! :) Oh!!! How dependent we've become of the smart phone!!!

So anyway,... It's been eons!!! Let's just start abruptly or I won't even get started!!!!

Saturday 23rd July 2011

We started the day with the tree top walk! Again! Finally! Emma seems to have enjoyed it and it was Elly's first. She fell asleep halfway!
We proceeded to the wet market thereafter to buy stuff and had lunch. We got home to put Elly to sleep and Emma to finish up her homework. Then I sent her for swim class at 3.40 and spoke to Puni while I waited. Came home at 5.45. Elly was awake by then!

Carolyn, Audrey and families came over for dinner. We had chicken rice with garlic chicken, char Siew and spinach in sesame oil. Food was good. Fruits were better! Aud brought over Kyoto grapes. Carolyn brought over island creamery ice-cream, lychee, chips and pork knuckles.

Clothes tracking : white shorts, Zara blue tank BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Saturday, January 23, 2010

List of Books to let go.....

  1. SlumDog Millionaire - Vikas Swarup
  2. False Impression - Jeffrey Archer
  3. The Girl with No Shadow - Joanne Harris
  4. White Tiger - Arvind Adiga
  5. Teacher Man - Frank McCourt
  6. Like the Flowing River- Paulo Coelho
  7. A Spot of Bither - Mark Haddon
  8. SLAM - Nick Hornby
  9. Coastliners - Joanne Harris

Trilogy - Philip Pullman

  1. The Golden Compass
  2. The Subtle Knife
  3. The Amber Spyglass

Jodi Picoult

  1. The Tenth Circle
  2. Keeping Faith
  3. Plain Truth
  4. My Sister's Keeper
  5. Songs of the Himpback Whale

  1. Anna & Mister God - Fynn
  2. Sweetness in the belly - Camilla Gibb
  3. On Beauty - Zadie Smith
  4. The Banquet Bug - Geling Yan
  5. Ya-yas in Bloom - Rebecca Wells
  6. Animals People - Indra Sinha
  7. Mummy's little girl - Jane Elliot
  8. A thousand days in Tuscany - Marlena de Blassi
  9. The witch of Portobello - Paulo Coelho
  10. The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
  11. A Short History of Nearly Everything -
  12. The Garden of Evil - David Hewson
  13. 3 Great Novels - Robert Ludlum
  14. Holidays in Hell - P.J. O'Rourke
  15. The interpretation of Murder - Jed Rubenfeld
  16. The Historian - Elizabeth Kostova
  17. Fractured - Karin Slaughter
  18. The Whole Truth - David Baldacci
  19. Revelation - C.J. Sansom
  20. A prisoner of Birth - Jeffrey Archer
  21. The Book of the Dead - Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child
  22. Eleven Minutes - Paulo Coelho

Monday, January 18, 2010

All to have a baby.....

So,... the real reason I'm still up is because it's been a truly frustrating weekend. I know,... it's monday night!!! WTF does it have to do with the weekend?!?!? Well,.... that's how long my anger takes to dissipate! Dunno why really,... but I have to say that usually,... if it concerns my husband,... than yes,... it'll last this long. The good thing is that I started talking to him again,..... but still,.... replies are limited just so to prove that I AM STILL PISSED and not quite entirely appeased. Not appeased because he has failed to see the point once again and anyway,.... I think we've swept so many things under the carpet that I feel it's getting difficult to articulate it to him.

Here's the real problem..... I would like to get pregnant again! NOW!!!!! So now's been happening for the last 6 months,... to no avail.... the problem was that my cycle started moving off from the usual 28 days to 35 days,.... that's a good 1 week diff! But the good news was,.... that last month,..... it moved back to a 28 day cycle,... so perhaps it was regulated once again! So full of conviction that it was going to happen this month,.... I told my husband about it and even suggested that he forgo a company trip just so we could try! Boy was I so looking forward to it! So the fateful weekend arrived,..... *fanfare friday night*..... I suggest we get happy! He said he was tired. Perhaps it was his recent entertainment so I figured,... ok,... still got Saturday lah! Maybe Sunday if can push it a bit,..... No fuss! Then Saturday came and he wanted to go check out the car that he wanted to buy. So off we went,.... thinking ok,...he'd be a happy man,.... we could get happy after that! We come home and Boo falls asleep,.... he falls alseep as well,....
so now I actually get pissed! It's a good time to be alone! When she awakes she'll be in our faces!!!!! and then given the hour at which she sleeps and then wakes up because of the amount of time spent at the car showroom,...... we'd practically be awake as a family till midnight!!!!! By then,... we'd be too beat to do anything!!!!! True to my gut feel, he goes right back to sleep along side her and I'm left wondering like perhaps he doesn't want an enlarged family afterall. By Sunday,.... I'm too pissed to even talk. I finally pass a comment saying that he should have just gone on the company trip afterall. That's when things blew open somewhat.

Here's my take on why the baby should happen now (if possible)..... because I have to orchastrate another huge meeting in March. If I did get pregnant, I'd be at the tail end of the 1st trimester and would hopefully be less sleepy! Also, the baby would be due in September which means I'd get to miss the November meeting! I'd be on maternity leave from Sept to Dec! Wonderful!!! February would be a bad time to conceive because it'll be right splat in the middle of CNY and what are the chances we'd get some time alone?!??! Also,... then I'm be in the sleepiest mode ever come Mar meeting! March would be impossible because I wouldn't actually be home! Apr would mean that I spend Christmas in confinement?!?!? Now how do you tell so many things to the husband of mine who's got a listening attention span of a kid?

His argument is that we're suppose to enjoy the process of baby making which I don't deny,... but really,... at age 35, if we have to leave everything to chance and get happy only when we feel like it,.... it hugely diminishes our chances! That's not even taking into account the fact that he's travelling half the time so how many months are there left this year?

Here's another reason why I was hoping to conceive this month. It's my birthday! It'd be nice to give myself a birthday present! For once!

My other point to wanting this kid NOW is because I'm clearly in a dead end job. I have a title to which I don't do anything relevant and instead I'm an admin clerk! A highly paid admin clerk no less,.... but still,..... in anything you do,.... u need to enjoy it and not feel like a 2nd rate worker. So as opposed to that, it'd be fulfilling to not be working so that I could take care of my kids! But that can only happen when I have kidS! Then it would make more sense to stay at home! I pointed out my dead end job to which I said he couldn't afford to have me at home for now so I suppose, in an attempt to appease me,... he offers me 2k a mth. It's a good offer,.... but it doesn't make any sense! Why should I leave a near 5 grand job to stay at home and do nothing much? Boo already has a system going for her and to suddenly be at home while she still needs to run places would just jeopardise her system. Plus, I'd be missing out on nearly 16k CASH by not staying with the company long enough to enjoy the maternity benefits!

Here are the other reasons on why he managed to piss me off so badly,......
I think I've foregone some pretty good offers so he can soar with his business. He's done me wrong before and I chose to ignore that even though the thoughts are never far. I had a job which I was actually enjoying but the screw up was just too major to rectify had I stayed on in that job. So I've opted to be the fixed parent and give up on opportunities and that's why I think he is simply unfair!

Enough said,... I've vented my anger,.... perhaps now I can sleep,.... thanks for listening by the way.....

Good night!


So shortly after my last post,....I finally received my iPhone. Oooh! It's wonderfully fabulous!!! So many applications to choose from and so many keep coming out on a daily basis,...... There's no end to the things you can do with this phone!!!!! Except when the application hangs the phone,.... which has happened to me a couple of times. Only need to power up the phone again and it works!!!!!

As you can tell,.... it's been a wonderful source of entertainment and hence I have not been blogging! Not like I have been blogging all that frequently,..... but still,...... Zilch for 4 months is totally incomprehensible! Unless of course you have the iPhone!!!!!


Ok! Can you tell that I'm just bragging about owning the phone? I even got my dad and bro onto it. The family of iPhone users! My husband is the only hard nut to crack! He wanted,... then he changed his mind,..... thn he wanted the Nexus One phone .... so he went ahead and online booked it,... only that phone has connection issues amongst many other issues that it's such a waste of time! Still,..... my husband doesn't want to be a CONFORMIST and would rather wait for Enterprise One to come out. Sometimes I think he is more female than he thinks.....

By the way,.... can you tell that there is no point to this blog? I'm really just bragging! =)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Random Conversation....

Bro: Hey! We're having an event at the CD and you're invited.
Me: Oh? What event is this?
Bro: They're going to stretch a painting.
Me: Huh? Stretch a what? Painting?
Bro: Yah! They are going to mount a canvas painting on a frame.....
Mom: (whilst looking at me) No zoom......


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

To my Angel Eva

If tears could build a stairway,
And memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to Heaven,
And bring you home again...

I miss you baby!

With love always and forever,
Mommy xoxoxo